North Hills

Kane Realty Partnering with Wake Audubon in Lights Out Wake Initiative

Kane Realty Corporation is excited to announce our partnership with Wake Audubon, in coordination with Raleigh’s Office of Sustainability, in participation with Lights Out Wake. Lights Out Wake started in 2015 with a goal to educate their members and surrounding communities on simple steps everyone can take to create safe passage for bird migration seasons which occur from March 15 to May 31 and September 10 to November 30. This can be accomplished by working to turn off or reduce non-essential lighting of buildings between the hours of 11PM and 6AM. This does not include street lights or lighting needed for safety. These lights can include exterior decorative lighting, lobby and atrium lighting, and interior lights (particularly those on upper levels).

Every year, billions of birds migrate north in the spring and south in the fall, the majority of them flying at night under the cover of darkness, navigating with the night sky. Increasingly birds must contend with light pollution from our growing cities and urban areas. Artificial lights in cities can interrupt a bird’s natural navigational system leading to disorientation causing building and window collisions. Ultimately, most collisions result in death even though the bird may initially fly away from the collision. Studies have shown that millions of birds are killed annually by building collisions. Lights have been identified as one of the primary causes of collisions with weather being a factor. Turning off lights may reduce collisions by as much as 80%.

By engaging with our communities, our collective participation will not only save birds for the beauty and enjoyment of our citizens, but it will save energy and money due to reduced operating costs.

“Our property management team is excited about this partnership with Wake Audubon and hope our local community will join us in this worthwhile effort,” said Stacey Buescher, Managing Director of Operations for Kane Realty Corporation.

Our local community can take an enthusiastic pledge of support here. For more information on Lights Out Wake, please visit